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Experts Seminar on SCO Environment Information Sharing Platform(Beijing, China August 13rd-14th, 2020)

“Prospects for SCO Environmental Cooperation in the Post-Epidemic Era”

Beijing, China    August 13rd-14th, 2020

(Simultaneous interpreting in Chinese, Russian and English)

Session 1:Coordination of Epidemic Prevention and Control and Environmental Protection

Session 2: Prospects for SCO Environmental Cooperation in the Post-Epidemic Era

Session 3:Jointly Built of the SCO Environment Information Sharing Platform

Discussion:Directions and Forms of Cooperation in the Post-Epidemic Era

1   2   肖学智-生态环境部合作合作司司长   4.阿什莫夫-上合组织秘书处副秘书长  

5.涂瑞和-联合国环境署驻华代表   6.上合环保中心与中亚区域环境中心签署谅解备忘录   7.刘春龙-生态环境部对外合作与交流中心副主任   8.马赫穆多夫-中亚区域环境中心执行主任  

9.崔丹丹-生态环境部国际合作司欧美处处长   10.王语懿-生态环境部对外合作与交流中心合作三处处长   11.张志强-国家应对气候变化战略研究和国际合作中心对外合作交流部主任   12.蒋文博-生态环境部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心高工  

13.张九天-北京师范大学教授   14.李菲-生态环境部对外合作与交流中心合作三处副室主任